So what is it and what's the difference?
Custom fitting usually describes the process of you being assessed for a new set of clubs and customisation follows a similar process but results in your existing clubs being altered to suit you better.
What is Custom Fitting?
It is an extremely over used phrase, but what exactly is custom-fitting? Put simply, it's making sure that, whatever your ability, your clubs are right for YOU.
Custom-fitting can range from simply measuring how far your fingertips are from the ground, to actually making a bespoke set of clubs just for you. The former isn't really proper fitting at all (although this is an essential guide for beginners) and the latter is the process that a tour professional may go through and isn't really practical for even the most serious of club golfers (as these are literally built from scratch - including forging the heads!).
This article will recommend a process which is practical, affordable and the most beneficial to your game. Many golfers think that custom-fitted clubs are purely just the right length for your height, or the right shaft flex for your swing speed, age or ability, but the process is far more significant than that. True custom fitting is much more of a consultation and will take all of the following into account (see below for explanations)
Sounds complicated? To the trained eye no! It doesn't take long either; 40 minutes to an hour of your time now could save you a great deal of frustration and £100’s of potentially wasted money in the future.
Sounds expensive? But it will only cost £35 for a full custom fit session and this cost will usually be deducted from the price of any new clubs you end up buying. It may also be the cheapest way of finding out that there is nothing wrong with the club or clubs you already have.
The Result? A club, or set of clubs that is perfect for you and that will no longer leave you in doubt as to the suitability of your equipment. Golf is a game of confidence, and once and for all you can take the doubt about your clubs out of the equation!
Criteria Explained:
If you would like to book a custom-fitting session or have any questions, please get in touch with Stuart Sawyer or Richard Ludgate, they will be more than happy to help